
Mormon Patriarchal Blessings – A Discussion | LDS Discussions Ep. 40

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Mormon Stories Ep 1763

Discover the truth behind Mormon Patriarchal Blessings in this eye-opening interview with hosts Mike, @NEMOTHEMORMON and John. From reflections on their own blessings to the harmful effects of this mechanism of control over members, the hosts delve into the nuanced nature of these individualized messages from God. With insights on how even past prophets have framed patriarchal blessings, and the agelessness of their messages, you won’t want to miss this deep dive into revelation in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

LDS Discussions Series on Revelation in Mormonism: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxq5opj6GqOACG_xU4IZiQxnhcoqlCrdI

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00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:40 Patriarchal blessings in the Mormon church
00:06:30 Reflections on our own Patriarchal blessings
00:18:10 If Patriarchal Blessings are from God, they shouldn’t be wrong
00:38:00 The Mormon church waters down Patriarchal Blessings, too
00:41:00 Patriarchal Blessings are a mechanism of control over members
00:51:00 Patriarchal blessings can cause harm to members
00:58:20 Look at how this Patriarchal Blessing frames being a mother
01:04:00 Even in 2013 Patriarchal Blessings still confirmed a 6,000 year existence
01:07:30 The church needs to be honest about patriarchal blessings
01:12:20 How patriarchal blessings are nuanced even in 2023
01:18:05 Thomas Monson also proclaimed patriarchal blessings to be road maps
01:20:15 Patriarchal blessings age much better than past prophets
01:24:20 Patriarchal blessings are individualized directly from God
01:26:10 Don’t take Mike’s word for it – read other patriarchal blessings for yourself
01:30:15 Patriarchal blessings as an outgrowth of treasure digging
01:37:30 Conclusion on revelation in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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