
A girl came to visit her grandmother in the hospital and accidentally touched her dying ward mate

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A girl came to visit her grandmother in the hospital and accidentally touched her dying wardmate… The next morning the doctors were shocked to see what had happened to her.

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“Lucy, please obey Helen.”
Lucy nodded and cried as she saw how the stretcher with her grandmother disappeared into the ambulance. Her neighbor Helen tried her best to calm the girl down.
“Lucy, don’t cry. Grandma will be cured, and she will come back to you.”
“I know,” the girl replied. “It’s just that I feel so much pity for Grandma…”
Helen looked at Lucy carefully. She had known her grandmother, Ruth, for a long time, but the girl had come to live with her only recently. Ruth’s son died when Lucy was only two years old, and her mother took the child to her homeland, somewhere very far away, a thousand kilometers away. But then the girl’s mother passed away, too, and Lucy stayed to live there with her other grandmother, who was already very old. The two grandmothers frequently called each other. And then it was time for Lucy to go to school. But in the remote village where she lived, there was no such opportunity, and the school was very far away. So, the grandmothers discussed and decided that it would be better for Lucy to be in the city with Ruth. That’s how Lucy came here.
Helen took the girl to her apartment and explained that she would have to stay with her for a while. The woman reassured Lucy, saying that she could bring here everything she might need. The girl nodded meekly and asked her neighbor to let her take her flower with her.
“Sure, bring it. But unfortunately, my flowers don’t grow at my place for some reason. Aren’t you afraid your flower won’t be well here either?” asked Helen.
“I’m not afraid. They don’t grow because they lack your love. They are alive and feel everything,” said the girl and went over to the violets standing on the windowsill.
Helen was very fond of violets and hoped that they would bloom for her, as they should. But for almost a year she had done everything, but violets not only did not bloom, but grew very slowly. Lucy stroked each leaf and whispered something softly. Helen looked at her fascinated for a few minutes, and then, shaking her head, returned to her household chores.
In the evening, Lucy called her grandmother.
“Grandma, I’m fine! Helen said we’re coming to visit you on Sunday.”
They talked some more and the girl, after saying goodbye, handed the phone to Helen, and went to bed. As she fell asleep, she heard Helen talking with Ruth for a long time, and she thought about how kind this Helen was and how good she felt at her place.
In the morning, Helen got up early to prepare a delicious breakfast for Lucy. She entered the kitchen and froze. Something subtly changed around her, but she could not figure out what it was. Suddenly, she glanced at the windowsill and gasped. All the violets had budded. Helen could not believe her eyes! She stared at this miracle for a long time, unable to believe her eyes, and then she looked in surprise toward the room where Lucy was sleeping.


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