
Divorce Podcasts & Other Inspiring Resources

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Experiencing a divorce is undeniably one of life’s most difficult challenges, often leaving individuals feeling isolated and bewildered. However, imagine having a steadfast companion who could accompany you on this journey, offering expert guidance, emotional solace, and a remarkable sense of community. Enter divorce podcasts. Spedcifically crafted to help navigate the intricacies of divorce, these programs feature insights and advice from seasoned professionals and individuals who have walked in your shoes. Embrace the invaluable support and wisdom they provide as you navigate through this transformative phase of life.


Key Takeaways

  • Divorce podcasts provide legal and financial guidance, expert advice, and emotional support to help individuals navigate theit divorce.
  • Benefits of listening include financial planning tips, strategies for co-parenting, and emotional healing resources.
  • When selecting a podcast, consider your stage in the process, personal preferences, and focus to ensure it is the right fit for your needs.

Jump to the bottom for a list of podcasts that I guested on over the last year.


What to Expect from Divorce Podcasts

Divorce podcasts facilitate discussions, offer expert advice, and share personal stories about divorce. These podcasts provide valuable legal guidance to listeners, helping them navigate the complexities of separation. 

Podcasts, such as the D Shift Podcast, provide guidance and expert insights to help individuals traverse the divorce journey and transition to a new chapter in their lives. The Good Divorce Show is another example, aiming to empower listeners to change the narrative of divorce and learn what it means to have a  good divorce.

The hosts of these podcasts also play a crucial role in providing valuable insights and creating a supportive environment for the listeners. For instance, Lesa Koski, the host of the Doing Divorce Different Podcast, has been a divorce attorney and mediator for more than 20 years. These podcasts often serve as a platform for hosts and guests to share their own divorce journey and the lessons they’ve learned along the way.



Benefits of Listening to Podcasts

Podcasts offer a range of valuable resources:

  • Emotional Support: Programs like ‘Her Empowered Divorce’ share personal stories and expert advice, empowering listeners to cope with divorce while injecting humor.
  • Legal Guidance: ‘How to Split a Toaster’ features an experienced family law attorney who provides real answers to common divorce questions, offering invaluable legal insights.
  • Financial Planning: The ‘Wealthy After Divorce‘ podcast offers expert guidance on navigating the financial complexities of divorce and transitioning to a new chapter in life.
  • Co-Parenting Strategies: The ‘Moms Moving On Podcast‘ engages in conversations with knowledgeable individuals to educate and empower listeners on effective co-parenting strategies after divorce.

Navigating the Process

Covering various aspects of the divorce process, such as legal considerations, emotional healing, and financial planning, podcasts about divorce aid listeners in navigating the complexities of separation. They provide a platform for discussions, expert advice, and personal stories related divorce, ultimately assisting individuals in making informed decisions and moving forward.

Legal Considerations

In terms of legal considerations, divorce podcasts provide insights into the navigation of the legal system, understanding your rights, and collaboration with attorneys. They commonly cover legal considerations such as:

  • The division of assets and property
  • Child custody and support
  • Alimony and spousal support
  • Legal process and procedures
  • Mediation and alternative dispute resolution methods
  • Legal rights and obligations
  • Post-divorce considerations

Understanding your legal rights is a crucial part of the divorce process, and these podcasts cover property division, child custody and visitation, child support, spousal support, understanding the legal process and documentation, as well as rights and responsibilities post-divorce in family law matters.

Divorce podcasts provide valuable insights into asset division and child-related legal matters during divorce. They discuss how the handling of asset division involves the equitable distribution of marital property, and child-related legal matters encompass arrangements for child custody and visitation, child support obligations, and the prioritization of the child’s best interests.

Emotional Healing

Emotional healing podcasts focus on coping strategies, self-care, and personal growth during and after a divorce, addressing mental health in the process. They offer a platform for sharing experiences and expert insights, providing advice and support to help navigate through the emotional challenges of a divorce, ultimately helping you feel validated, understood, and less isolated. Often hosted by a divorce coach or mental health professional, they address important topics such as dealing with heartbreak, navigating emotions, and embracing healing and detachment, serving as a beneficial complement to conventional therapy or a valuable resource for those who may not have access to therapy.

Financial Planning

Regarding financial planning, divorce podcasts provide guidance on budgeting, asset division, and achieving long-term financial stability during and post-divorce. They typically offer financial planning advice focused on safeguarding assets during divorce, evaluating financial status, considering settlement choices, and developing a financial strategy for the post-divorce transition.

Podcasts such as ‘Divorce for Wealthy Women’ provide specialized advice to affluent women on maintaining their lifestyle during and after divorce. The podcast features professionals who provide tailored insights to address the unique financial challenges faced by wealthy women going through a divorce.

Whether you’re going through a high net-worth divorce or just trying to make ends meet, these financial planning podcasts can provide the guidance you need.


A Year of Guesting on Divorce Podcasts

Part of our mission is to provide education and support when you need it most so you can avoid costly mistakes and accomplish extraordinary goals by mastering your money. This year, I had the honor of being a guest on numerous divorce and other podcasts. It was such a privilege to have these hosts share their respective audiences with me. I got to meet some amazing individuals and reconnect with some folks I had spoken to for years. From topics ranging from financial abuse to financial confidence to practical steps to rebuild and thrive after divorce, we’ve got it covered.  

Each podcast is summarized below, with a link to listen to the episode in its entirety.


Divorce Podcasts


From Financial Fears to Financial Freedom with Leah Hadley

In this informative episode of the How to Split a Toaster podcast, Seth Nelson, Pete Wright, and I discuss the various forms of financial abuse, the mindsets and behaviors that enable it, and how to recover and rebuild your financial life after divorce when financial abuse was present. Listen here



Financial Options During Divorce

In this episode of The D Shift Podcast, Mardi Winder-Adams and I discussed the crucial aspects of managing finances during a divorce. We talked about the importance of individual financial assessments for informed decision-making and the often-overlooked tax implications of divorce settlements. Listen here.



Overcoming Financial Abuse

Join Paulette Rigo and me on The Better Divorce Podcast as we discuss overcoming financial abuse. It’s not just a distant hope – it’s entirely achievable. However, it requires deliberate, intentional actions and determination. Listen here. 


Building Financial Confidence 

Have you ever wondered how to rebuild your life and finances after divorce? Karin Nelson and I are diving right into the heart of this topic and will share valuable tips on building financial confidence after divorce on the Becoming You Again podcast. Listen here


Overcoming Financial Abuse: Insights from a Financial Analyst

On MediatorPodcast.com, Valuation Expert Melissa Gragg and I discuss overcoming financial abuse and how you can help ensure your financial security after a divorce. Listen here


A Crash Course To Jumpstart Your Financial Education 

If you weren’t the involved spouse during the marriage regarding finances, then listen to this episode of The Divorce Resource Guy podcast, where Jason Levoy (former divorce attorney turned divorce coach) and I talk about some of the basics you need to know before you make important financial decisions that could affect the rest of your life. Listen here


Creating a Plan for Financial Freedom 

In this episode of Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle, Mandy Walker and I discuss what financial freedom looks like after divorce, how you can get started, and share helpful tips on saving money. Listen here.



What’s Keeping You Up at Night with Your Divorce?

There are so many people who lay awake at night, unable to sleep because they’re worried about money. On the Doing Divorce Differently podcast, Lesa Koski and I talk about how financial fear is real and affects both people no matter their financial position. Financial Planning can give you clarity not just for today but going forward. Listen here



Cover Your Assets

Some of the most important financial decisions you ever make are often made when you’re most vulnerable, like in the process of divorce. On the Good Divorce Show, Karen McNenny and I discuss the most common financial mistakes that people make during divorce. Listen here.


Financial Mistakes in Divorce

Money matters in divorce. But too few women go into their divorce with a full and complete idea of their financial picture. Find out more about this and other mistakes women make in divorce in this episode of the HofLine Podcast with Katie Carter and me. Listen here


Financial Abuse and Divorce

What is financial abuse? The answer can be quite complex, so Michelle Dempsey-Multack from Moms Moving On and I discuss what to look for, including keeping a close eye on finances during your divorce and empowering yourself to have financial security in the future. Listen here


The Power of Mediation in Divorce 

In this episode of Divorce for Wealthy Women, Olivia Summerhill and I discuss divorce mediation and how mediation can assist couples in reaching mutually acceptable agreements on divorce terms, including asset division, child custody, and financial matters. Listen here.



Surviving Divorce for Stay-at-Home Moms

In the Wealthy After Divorce podcast, Jacqueline Roessler and I talk about divorce and supporting the unique concerns of stay-at-home parents. For anyone who has been out of the workforce and dependent on their spouse’s income, financial fears can be a primary barrier to settlement. Listen here.


Financial Freedom After Divorce: Practical Steps to Rebuild & Thrive

In this important and insightful episode of Your Divorce Planner, Heidi Bee and I share how to deal with the emotional side of getting a divorce and how to make financial decisions that fit with your new situation as we share practical steps based on both personal and professional experiences. Listen Here

Other Inspiring Podcasts


Rebuilding Your Life and Finances After Being in a Toxic Relationship 

In this episode of the From Betrayal to Breakthrough podcast, Dr. Debi Silber and I dive into the topic of transforming your finances and thriving in life after a dysfunctional relationship. The impact of toxic relationships on someone’s finances can be significant, but with the right knowledge and support, you can regain control over your financial situation. Listen here 


Path to Financial Freedom

On Making Lemonade with Whitney Hale and Kelsey Bobka, I share my personal story of going through a divorce and starting two businesses as a single mom. Listen here.  


Finding Financial Confidence 

On the No Labels, No Limits podcast, Sarah Boxx and I discuss valuable insights and practical tips on how to find your financial footing and build unshakable confidence in managing your money. From budgeting hacks to investment strategies, we’ve got you covered! Listen here


Financial Freedom

Join Maura Webster and me on her Super Real Human podcast as we discuss the importance of intentional financial decision-making and how to find peace of mind through careful planning. Listen here


Are You Blind to Money Manipulation? How to Reclaim Your Financial Power After Ending a Toxic Relationship

On the Toxic Love Transformation podcast Stephanie McPhail and I discuss the importance of financial planning and education after divorce. Listen here.


Achieving Financial Independence after Divorce

On the Midlife Makeover Show, Wendy Valentine and I discuss that one of the biggest challenges about divorce is regaining your financial independence. It’s difficult, but it’s not impossible. You can secure financial confidence and independence. Listen here.


From Divorce to Financial Freedom: Expert Advice YOU DIDN’T KNOW! 

In this episode of Momnificent, Dr. Karin Jakubowski and I share invaluable insights to help you avoid the common mistakes that could cost you thousands during a divorce. Discover what you don’t know about divorce finances and how to protect your financial future. Listen here.


Financial Confidence After Divorce

Confidence around our own financial situation is something that we often see women neglect. In this episode of Secrets of Confident Women, Jodie Bruce-Clarke and I discuss why we (as women) MUST be across our own finances and our financial future. Listen here.


Navigating Divorce: Making Informed and Proactive Financial Decisions

Dr. Deborah Ekstrom from Money Loves Women, and I discuss common financial mistakes people make during a divorce, such as staying in houses they can’t afford and racking up a tremendous amount of debt, and how to avoid them. Listen here.


How to Rebuild Your Life & Finances after an Abusive Relationship

On Single Parent Success Stories, Irina Shehovsov and I discuss single parenting and how to rebuild your life after a divorce. Listen here


Tips for Choosing the Right Divorce Podcast

Given the multitude of options available, choosing the right divorce podcast can seem daunting. However, by considering factors such as your stage in the divorce process, personal preferences, and the podcast’s focus on specific topics or perspectives, you can find the right fit for your needs.

For example, if you’re in the early stages of divorce, you might find podcasts that cover various aspects of the divorce process, such as legal considerations, emotional healing, and financial planning, beneficial. If you prefer hearing from professionals, look for podcasts hosted by individuals with expertise in law, psychology, or related fields.

Lastly, consider the podcast’s focus. If you’re a man going through a divorce, you might find ‘A Man’s Journey Through Divorce’ beneficial, while if you’re a high net-worth woman, ‘Divorce for Wealthy Women’ might be more suitable.


Our New Divorce Podcast – Intentional Divorce Insights

Through my numerous guest appearances on podcasts this year, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to connect with passionate professionals who are genuinely dedicated to making a positive impact in our world. That’s why I’m absolutely thrilled to announce that we’ll soon be launching our very own divorce podcast. 

Our podcast will center around insightful interviews with experts in the legal, mental health, and financial domains, offering an accurate portrayal of the divorce process and emphasizing the importance of intentional decision-making for a more positive outcome. Our aim is to provide valuable support and guidance to those navigating challenging times. 

Stay tuned for more updates and information about our upcoming podcast!

 We are committed to finding voices who bring their expertise and experience to the conversation. By listening to podcasts hosted by professionals such as lawyers, mental health professionals, financial advisors, or other specialists working in the area of divorce, you can arm yourself with the most up-to-date information about this complex process. Furthermore, these experts may have valuable advice about strategies that could help make your journey easier.  

Podcasts are Not a Replacement for Professional Support

Although podcasts can help to inform and shape your thinking, they should not be relied upon as a substitute for receiving professional advice. There is no substitute for the one-on-one guidance that comes with talking to an expert. If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to seek out the services of a trained professional who is familiar with divorce in your area. 

Navigating your finances, especially after a divorce, can be incredibly challenging and overwhelming. But you don’t have to face it alone. We understand that every situation is unique, which is why we are here to offer you personalized financial advice and strategies tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Our dedicated team is committed to helping you make well-informed decisions about your financial future. We will work closely with you, providing the guidance and support you need every step of the way. Whether you’re looking to plan for the long term, manage your assets, or simply gain a better understanding of your financial situation, we’ve got you covered.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need any assistance. We are here to empower you with the knowledge and resources necessary to regain control of your financial well-being. Together, we can pave the way towards a brighter future. Click here to learn more about our services.









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